Peru Missions Trip

Welcome to a summary for my Missions trip to Peru. Here there will be updates as we prepare and then as we go to Peru and assist in teaching Math. Unfortunately due to the current and ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 this trip has been canceled. I am still looking for ways to help and serve and wish to have the opportunity to go next year.

This past semester I have been struggling with what God’s plan is for me. I have felt him nudging me to be in more positions of service but I would always say: "I am in college, that is not what I have time for in my busy days. Between the homework, group projects and everything else am I supposed to find time to serve when I struggle to find time to take a break. " But if you do not know already, wrestling with what God wants for you in your life never works out. He will always win in the end.

So, I relented and decided to look for more opportunities to serve. I rejoined a club that I was part of called Computing for Compassion, where we regularly find projects in the community that we can help with and is really just a volunteer organization filled with Computer Scientists. But as I did this I felt God’s gentle nudge. He reminded me that he didn’t just want me to serve in Waco, TX but also for me to find ways to serve around the world. Almost instantly, I started hearing about some of the global missions trips that Baylor does God does work in wondrous ways. After prayer and contemplation I found a missions trip that related to what I love and would be a great way for me to use my skills to serve.

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh ; rather, serve one another humbly in love.
Galatians 5:13

Did you know that many students believe mathematics is difficult and can get discouraged and left behind at a young age. However, math skills opens many doors for escaping poverty and increases economic mobility. Our goal in Peru is to encourage children through math to find ways to bring themselves up from poverty.